Blue and green revolution

Saturday 22 June 2019


Dave Ikiedei Asei

Governor Dickson moves Bayelsa State out of dependence on Oil and Gas as another ultra modern fish farm work begins.
Work on the project which is located at Angalabiri community in Sagbama Local Government Area of the State has started in earnest.
Bayelsa State which has since its creation solely depended on federal allocation, but the story is no longer the same as the Restoration administration under Governor Dickson has taken the bull by the horn headlong and has started industrialization process of which the Angalabiri project is just one among many of such projects.
Honourable Doodei Agbabou Week has not actually relented since his appointment as the Commissioner for Agriculture and Natural Resources few years back. He keyed into the vision of the countryman Governor without wasting time. Henry Seriake Dickson and Doodei Week have worked tirelessly together to accomplish several laudable projects and programmes.
In line with the policies and programmes of the restoration administration, and the visionary leadership of Governor Dickson and the Honourable Commissioner for Agriculture and Natural Resources, Doodei Week have revolutionized and industrialized the Agriculture sub-sector in the State.
The multi-billion Naira Angalabiri Project Will house the following facilities-
1. Office Structures2. Warehouse
3. Generator house
4. Gate House
5. Storage facilities (tanks)
6. Perimeter fence etc

You will recall that, various Agricultural/Aquaculture projects have been completed and put to use, while some are under construction ie
1. The Yenegwe Aquaculture Village farm completed
2. The Igeibiri modern fish farm under construction
3. The Ogbogoro modern fish farm under construction
4. The Bayelsa Palm has been restructured and reorganized
5. And now the Angalabiri ultra modern fish farm under construction
6. The Ebedebiri Cassava and Starch Processing factory
Governor Seriake Dickson and Doodei Week are great leaders of the Niger Delta and we should applaud them for taking us thus far.
Blue and Green Revolution Production.

Friday 14 June 2019



The Honourable Commissioner for Agriculture and Natural Resources, Prince Agbabou Week makes out time in his busy schedule to celebrate with Professor Francis Sikoki who was plus 1 yesterday. Honourable Week is a man of the people. He is one man that finds out time to appear where his people have a programme that needs his attention. No is not in his dictionary whenever his attention is required.
Francis Sikoki is a Professor & Director, Centre for Marine Pollution Monitoring & Sea food Safety, University of Port Harcourt.
He published among others, the Journal of Oceanography and Marine Science
Sikoki who celebrated his birthday with few friends and family members thanked God for adding one more year to his life.
On his part, Honourable Week prayed for God to protect and guide the notable Professor and add many more years to his life.
He congratulated Sikoki for his remarkable achievements in various areas of human endeavour especially in human capacity building and promoting the advancement of education through teaching, lectures and research.

Long Live Professor Francis Sikoki.

Professor Francis Sikoki (1st left), Honourable Week ( 2nd left) with others

Wednesday 12 June 2019



Dave Ikiedei Asei

Today we shall look at two more outstanding qualities of good leadership and how our courageous digital Honourable Commissioner measures up.

They are  standards and confidence.

Leaders hold themselves and the people around them to a higher standard than most, both on a personal and professional level.

Leaders understand that in order to achieve higher standards, they need to have strong values, hold themselves accountable for their words/actions and never make excuses.

Remember you’re the average of the five people you spend the most time with.

On this, Honourable Doodei is an example. He has standard both in his public and private life. All those who came across him could attest to this fact that the ‘Tarakiri boy’ as he is fondly called by his close associates is a man with high standards. This has added to other starling qualities of a good leader which have helped him achieve so much in all the places he has served one way or another.


Unfortunately, confidence can be one of those things you either have or don’t have, but I know that it can be practiced and learned.

Confidence has to do with your inner perception of your ability to fulfill a particular role and is built through your experiences and dealings during your life.
To build your confidence you need to be open to new experiences and be willing to fail or you’ll never grow and find the strength needed to push the limits of what you’re capable of.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face.

If there is any man that has confidence, it is Prince Doodei Agbabou Week. Looking at him outwardly, you could see a man with not just confidence, but great confidence.  From the way he handles issues - personal or public, you see him with great confidence from even the way he talks, manages official matters in his office and even in private matters. I think that he has all the needed qualities of a not just a good leader, but a great leader.

Added to other attributes of a great leader, he should be given higher responsibilities to pilot the affairs of our great state when the current leadership terminates on 14/02/2020 as our humble and dynamic leader steps aside after gloriously completing his second term as the Governor of the State.

Thursday 6 June 2019



Dave Ikiedei Asei

The Dynamic and digital Honourable Commissioner for Agriculture and Natural Resources, Prince Doodei Week at the reception Party organized in Honour of Honourable Monday Obolo Bubou after his inauguration as a third term member of the Bayela House of Assembly.
The colorful event which took place at the DSP Alamieyeseigha Memorial Banquet Hall, Government House, Ovom, Yenagoa, Bayelsa State was very remarkable as friends and relatives of Obolo gathered to Honour one of their own.
Honourable Doodei Week who is from Tarakiri Clan was on hand to felicitate with his blossom friend and brother to show solidarity with this great son of the Ijaw Nation.
The tall and handsome Commissioner danced to the rhythm of the live band that entertained the guests at the epoch-making event. Good people like him are always happy when others make progress in life. Doodei has shown that he is a generous and deli gent man in all that he does in life. He is a role model, charistmatic leader of our time.
You will recall that since he became the Commissioner for Agriculture and Natural Resources, he has done very well in running the affairs of the Ministry.
Some of his numerous achievements are, the Construction of the Yenegwe Aquaculture Village, Yenagoa Local Government Area, the construction of the Igeibiri modern fish farm, Southern Ijaw Local Government Area, the ongoing construction of the multi-billion fish farm at Ogbogoro, Yenagoa Local Government Area, His private modern fish farm at Ayama Ijaw, Southern Ijaw Local Government Area, , Elebele, Yenagoa Local Government Area, the reorganization of the Bayelsa Palm, the construction of the Ebedebiri Cassava and Starch Processing Factory nearing completion and other projects too numerous to mention in his Ministry.
He has worked closely with the visionary countryman Governor Henry Seriake Dickson to achieve these great projects that has changed the narrative of Bayelsa State, that hitherto depended on the federal allocation.
Bayelsa State now generates increased internally Generated Revenue (IGR) as a result of the wonderful projects which his Ministry has embarked upon.
I wish to thank the focused and prudent Governor of the State, His Excellency Henry Seriake Dickson and the hardworking Honourable Commissioner, Prince Doodei Agbabou Week for making Bayelsa State proud among the comity of States in the country.
Congratulations to these great sons of the Niger Delta!
Congratulations to the peace-loving people of Bayela State!

Saturday 1 June 2019

THE Honourable Commissioner Storms the Modern Fish farm at Ogbogoro


Part 1

Dave Ikiedei Asei

THE Honourable Commissioner Storms the Modern Fish farm at Ogbogoro

The Honourable Commissioner for Agriculture are Natural Resources storms the Modern Fish Farm at Ogbogoro, Yenagoa Local Government Area in Bayelsa State to ascertain the level of Work under construction.

The fish farm which is under construction is one of the numerous farms undertaking by the countryman Governor, Henry Seriake Dickson to boost fish production which is geared towards creating employment and to increase the internally Generated Income of the State.

The Governor is preparing the State in order to move away from depending solely on the federal Government’s allocation mainly from the sale of Oil and Gas.

You will recall that the Governor has already constructed the Yenegwe Aquaculture Village which has started production of fish.

At Igeibiri, a similar farm is also under construction. This is a way of preparing the State for sustainable development. Fish farming is another way to create employment and generation of income for Bayelsans Bayelsa State.

Under the able leadership of the Honourable Commissioner for Agriculture and Natural Resources, Doodei Agbabou Week, Bayelsa State is gearing up to achieve self reliance and development.

Since he took over the running of the Ministry, Prince Doodei Agbabou Week has created significant progress and development in Agricultural Development and progress in the Agricultural sub-sub-sector.

Very soon, Bayelsa State will be one of the States that will become self sustainable and Self-reliant.

I wish to that thank the Governor and Honourable Doodei for their hard work and dedication in piloting the affairs of the State especially in the Agricultural sector.

Bravo to the Governor Henry Seriake Dickson and the Honourable Commisioner for Agriculture and Natural Resources.THE-Honourable-Commissioner-Storms-the Modern-Fish- -Ogbogoro

Thursday 23 May 2019



Dave Ikiedei Asei




Bayelsa aqua-culture farm to generate N3.5bn annually, this was revealed in a chat with Blue and Green Revolution reporter, the Commissioner for Agriculture and Natural Resources, Honourable Doodei Agbabou Week..

He also said that the vast farm estate, located on 27 hectres of land is at Yenegwe, suburb of Yenagoa, in the state is expected to provide employment to about 16,000 youths when fully operational.
The farm has a hatchery, earth ponds, feed mill and fish processing unit.

He said that the project was part of efforts to diversify the state’s economy. His words: “The vision of the governor for the project is to make Bayelsa the fish hub and rake in an annual income of not less than N3.5 billion. “Processed, packaged and branded Bayelsa fish will be produced here. Production has already started with 500 earth fish ponds with many of our youths already engaged.

 Apart from employment, he said it will generate a lot of economic activities. We are looking at about 16,000 jobs to be generated here directly or indirectly. We want to diversify our economy. “This is a clear vision of the governor. This farm estate will be replicated in all the local government areas.  As we speak, Southern Ijaw farm has started. In Sagbama, Nembe, land acquisition is going on. This project will ensure we stop importation of fish”.

Governor Dickson sees far into the future, that is why he has constructed the Aquaculture village. And to make it work, he has appointed an expert in this field in person of Honourable Doodei Agbabou Week, a man with great insight, vision and productive ideas. He is a round peg in a round hole. Today, one of the great promises of the countryman Governor as he is popularly called, His Excellency Henry Seriake Dickson has been fulfilled. No wonder, he is known as the “talk na do” Governor (he does whatever he says).
As part of the measures to achieve this, the state government has handed over the management of a multi-Billion Naira aquaculture village built by Governor Seriake Dickson to a private firm, Aquaseas Company Limited.
A visit to the Bayelsa State Aquaculture Village will convince you that Bayela State has begun the process of industrialization, as this project is just one of the numerous industries built and others like the Ebedebiri Cassava and Starch Processing factory which is 80% completed, the reorganized Bayelsa Palm and other productive establishments that are on-going.

Bravo! Henry Seriake Dickson.

Bravo! Hon. Doodei A. Week.

Bravo! The great people of Bayelsa State.